Wednesday, January 25, 2017

WWI events

WWI important events;
June 28 1914: Archduke Franz Ferdinand was assassinated which set off the start of WWI
Serbia. # August 4, 1914: Germany invaded Belgium and started the fighting.
August 10, 1914: Austria-Hungary invaded Russia, opening the fighting on the

1st July 1915 the start of the battle of the Somme, also the bloodiest day in British military history with 19,000 dead # 13 November 1916 end of the battle

April 6, 1917: the  United States declared war on Germany due to having lots of money invested on the countries that Germany was invading and if they were invaded all the money the United States had invested in those countries would be lost.
June 24 1917 American troops began to land in France

3rd march 1918 Russian involvement in WW1 ends 
British intelligence gives Wilson the so-called Zimmermann Telegram, a message from German foreign secretary Arthur Zimmermann proposing that Mexico side with Germany in case of war between Germany and the United States. In return, Germany promises to return to Mexico the "lost provinces" of Texas and much of the rest of the American Southwest. Mexico declines the offer, but the outrage at this interference in the Western Hemisphere pushes American public opinion to support entering the war.

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